Hi, Im Aron Kontorovich a Pianist, and Music Educator in New York City. I have been studying piano for over 20 years and teaching private piano lessons since 2014. In addition, I’m a Music Teacher and Marching Band Director at James Madison High School in Brooklyn where I’ve taught courses including Concert Band, West African Drumming, and Modern Band before building and designing the curriculum for the new Piano program which includes beginner, intermediate, and advanced level classes.

I obtained a Bachelors of Music in Music Education and New York State K-12 Music Teaching License in 2018 from the Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music where I studied classical piano with world-renowned pianist Jeffrey Biegel.

I obtained a Masters of Music in Music Education with concentrations in Instrumental and Choral Studies from Kent State University in 2022. My teaching is heavily influenced by the work of Dorothy Taubman and the Taubman Approach to Piano Playing , as well as Edwin E. Gordon’s Music Learning Theory. Since graduating, I’ve been invited to speak and mentor student teachers from local Music Education Certification Programs including the Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music.

How Lessons with Aron was born:

In 2014 I started teaching piano at a local music school, while in school full time as a pre-med college student. It didn’t take long for me to understand that teaching music was what I was meant to do. While teaching at the local music school I had auditioned, switched my major, and began taking music education courses which reinforced what I was doing in my lessons! As the only teacher who could fluently read music, my unwillingness to “only teach songs” meant it was time to move on.

After transitioning into teaching at students homes, I quickly realized that there are no other piano teachers on Staten Island whose primary instrument was piano AND have a background teaching, and thats how Lessons with Aron was born.

As a busy school teacher in addition to music studio owner, I started teaching (as well as taking my own) online piano lessons, in addition to the students I was traveling to. AND THEN covid happened and everyone went 100% online. Having been a bit ahead of the game teaching online I was able to get a jump start and optimize my equipment to support teaching online lessons full-time and I’ve never looked back!